How to make a blog or How to make money with a blog
How to make a blog or How to make money with a blog : Hello friends, there are many ways to earn money online now. But there are only a few ways in which it will be better and safer for you. Today I am going to tell you about the “How to make a blog or How to make money with a blog”. With this, you can easily earn a significant income every month. If you do not know about this, then read this post till last.
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Complete guide to how to make money from blog & Website.
Till today we used to share blogging related posts and shayari on this blog, so that you will get to know about blogging very well. How to create a blog for free and make money has become a very good way to earn money from the Internet. Today we are going to tell you about the first time micro niche blog website. If you do not know about it, we will try to explain it to you in a better way so that you can understand quickly.
Internet has become the most important way to earn money online in today’s time. A lot of people have joined this and a lot of people are also joining. Now the unemployment is not there as before, the biggest reason is the “Internet”. By the way, you can earn money on the Internet in many ways. Like freelancer, you can earn money by becoming a blogger or youtuber.
For freelancing, you should have the knowledge to do something work there. For example, if you have the knowledge of coding, then any other website can hire you to develop. Blogging or youtube is both the best option for you.
If you are searching on a specific topic in Google, then there will also be sites with more How to start a blog to make money. If you do not know about the micro niche then you will tell about it below. Well, in making such a site, you will have to work hard for some time and after that the money will run after you.
More level developers make sites with how to make a blog for free. With this, they are able to make millions of income every month. As if any diwali festival is coming up next, the developers will prepare some interesting script about diwali and promote it in some way. After that they do not need promotion but instead start promotion themselves. Believe it, you too can earn millions from it.
If you are a blogger, then I will ask you to try a site with a how to make money on a blog. With this, you will get better results than that from your blog. People who work by creating a micro-site once, do not feel like blogging. Because there is so much benefit in this.
When I started blogging, a friend of mine started how to make a WordPress blog. It took a little hard work to make it successful, but today he earns thousands every month from it. In this, once your post comes to a good position in the search engine, then you have to choose a good hosting for your blog. Because so much traffic will start coming that your site can also be down.
In this post, we will try to give you complete information about the How to make a blog on wordpress. So that you too can earn money in millions from it. Let us try to tell you everything about it in details.
What is blog & How to create a blog on wordpress also how to make a good blog.
Micro Niche website is a site that focuses on a single niche. Every post is written on a specific topic in it.for example you can use amazone product for micro nich blog baby care product ,womans and many more.
As an example, if you have chosen the topic of poetry for your Micro niche blog and make money, then only you will have to write all the posts related to poetry. Such as Diwali shayri, Birthday Shayri, Independence / Republic day shayri, Funny Shayri, Love shayri, BewafaShayri, Romantic shayari etc. In this, if you write many posts, then you have to somehow bring the site to a good position in the search engine.
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You can easily earn $ 100 every day through micro niche. Let us also tell you that initially you will have to work very hard to create a site on the micro niche and gradually you will get the result. I have seen many big bloggers that they work on their blog as well as micro niche website and are able to earn millions from it.
For this, if you do blogging, then take a little time and create a micro niche website and work on it. Believe it, you will be able to easily earn $ 1000 + every month from it.
Start a blog why?
This is a very common question which must have come in the minds of many people, so that's i tell you the first thing is that it does not take much time to get the micro niche website ranked in google. Ever since changes have been made in the google algorithm, such sites have started giving a lot of value.
When you continue to focus on only one topic in your site, then Google will know that you are expert on that topic and if you write a short post, then there can be a place at the top in SERPs. If i tell you the answer in short, then if you want to earn money by creating a blog in the shortest time, then micro niche site is a very good option for you.
Let us also tell you one of the best thing is that when you create a profitable blog & Website, then you will need to work very hard at that time and when you spend 6 -7 months working in it and writing a lot of articles, then you have to work without it Will continue earning till life time.
If you are new to blogging, then I will tell you that you should write blog on the profitable micro niche topic then make a blog and make money itself. Because if you create your blog on multi niche, then you will have to keep knowledge on many topics and do researches on many topics. But if you create a Micro niche blog , then you will have to keep knowledge on only one specific topic. This will give you a lot of ease and enjoy working.
You must have seen in any Micro niche blog & Website site that it gets 5000+ traffic. Many people would think that if there is not much traffic from other countries in the micro niche blog, then I want to tell those people that right now you can get so much traffic from our country, that you will easily earn millions per month. Our government has now started giving more value to the Internet.
On which niche did Micro niche blog & Website to be built?
This is also a very big point and it may be a big headache for those who have not yet made a blog. Therefore, we will try to convince you here on which niche you have to start your blog.
- To know which topic to start your Micro niche blog & Website.
How to find niche keyword ideas and content.
- Who is your interest?
- What is your popularity, on whom you have interest?
When you find the answer to these two, then you will be able to easily decide on which micro niche you want to start a blog. Let me also tell you one of the most important thing that in this you do not have to choose any competing niche. Such as money making, seo, internet marketing etc. There is a lot of competition, due to which it is very difficult to make a blog successful. (Micro niche blog & Website)
You should start your site on such a niche, about which there are very few websites about it. By the way, almost all the topics will be found on the website, but still you have to try to select such a topic, which has very few blogs about it. I am telling you about some Niche below, on which you can start your micro niche blog.
- Baby care
- Pizza hurt near me
- Dress for woman
- Job
- Rail PNR
- Shayari
- Qoutes
- Technology
- Amazone Product
Complete guide to create how to make a blog & Micro niche blog & Website.
After reading above, many people must have understood how micro niche websites are made. But many people still have not understood so for them we are going to tell step by step below. You will also be able to follow all these steps easily and if you do not understand or want to ask any question related to it, then tell it in the comment.
Step 1: Choose your Topic to make money with a blog & Micro niche blog & Website.

As you all will know that to start any blog, you have to select the topic and post only the posts related to it. We have already told about it well above. Therefore, here we will tell you in short that you will have to think of a topic about which you are aware and how much is its popularity in the market?
The topic plays a big role to make the blog successful. Some people choose such topics for their blog, about which they have very little knowledge. Due to this, they are not able to tell openly in their post, due to which their users remain many complaints. This goes on for some time and finally he has to quit blogging.
Therefore, you have to be very careful while choosing your blog's niche. Blog's niche is also of two types. First, Short term and second Long term Niche. If you create your micro niche blog for a short term (eg on a TV show), then your blog will run only as long as it is serial and when the serial is closed, then your site will also be down gradually. But you can loot by creating such a site.
The second is long term niche. As an example, if you create your micro niche site on health niche, then people will also take care of health care in the feature and will search about it. You will know that you will have to work once in long term site and you will continue to get its benefits. So whenever you select the niche, then take care of it.
Step 2: Select Domain for create a blog for free and make money with Micro niche blog & Website.

You all will know that domain is the most important part of our blog or website. This gives visitors access to our blog. For this reason, you should choose the domain of your blog carefully.
If you want to blog your micro niche then you should select the domain according to your topic. With this MR-Cloud, your blog will be able to rank well in the search engine. You can also read this post to choose a good domain.
By -> Best Domain Name Choose Tools & cheap rated webhosting.
When you buy a domain, keep this thing in mind that use the keyword related to your niche. Apart from this, the domain should be simple with not much larger so that anyone can remember it easily.
Step 3: Sitting up for "how to start a blog to make money " with Micro niche blog & Website.

Now you have to create your blog in this stage and setup its sittings. In this, you have to make your blog on a good platform. And with some of his sitting, he does not have to do customization so that his look will be better.
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Let us tell you that the budget is the highest for any business and it is required. You cannot take your business forward without a budget. If you start your business in any way, then you will have a lot of trouble in the future and your business is also very difficult to succeed.
If you have a budget, then we would recommend that you start your micro niche blog on WordPress. In this, you will definitely have to spend money but it is much better than Blogger. Also if you do not have enough money then you will go with my other topic below for making free travel blog Micro niche blog & Website. In word press You will be able to give a better look to your blog without coding it. But if you go to give a good look to Blogger blog, you need to have knowledge of coding.
You may Like Also : How to make a free website in wordpress in Hindi for Indians.
But don’t worry if you want to learn a coding then we are provide to you also we are making a good website for your niches in low & cheap budget.
what is The Blogger and how to create a blog for free and make money
If you do not have money, then you have the option to create your own blog on Blogger. You will get limited access along with limited features in it. But if you are starting a blog, then maybe it is also the best option for you. Because in Blogger you do not have to face more errors.
Whereas in WordPress you may have to face regular errors. If you have chosen a bad hosting by mistake then you will have to suffer a huge loss. A lot of people will be ready to offer you a cheap rate, but you will be go with a MR hosting in cheap rate because I am also use there hosting plan.
Create your blog on either of them and set a good theme in it. If you have money then we will provide you a good theme in cheap rate with full function. Because it will get many features and options, which is difficult to get in a free theme. Keep the design of your blog simple and fast loading.
Best Theme & Plugin for Word press.
After this, create some important pages in your blog. Such as About us, Contact Us, Privacy and Policy etc. It is very important to have all these pages. This gives visitors of your blog a chance to know about you and stay connected with you.
Step 4: Keyword Research and SEO planning for How to start a blog and make money.
"Keyword" is the very important role to get blog ranking in search engine SEO. By using the keyword correctly in your blog, you can bring it to the top quickly in the search engine.
If your site is on a Micro niche blog & Website, then doing keyword research for you is more important. Because any search engine is giving a lot of value to Micro niche blog & Website right now and in such a way, you will also use the keyword, so definitely your blog will be at the top in Google SERPs within a very short time.
For any keyword rescerhc you can use Ahref, Semrush, MOz etc website for all website you can go with a SEOTOOLs in a very cheap rate I also use their services.
All the big bloggers are those who pay maximum attention to keyword research and use the keyword with good search volume in their post and because of that its post is able to rank well.
You can also gain traffic from other country by using the keyword in your blog. If you want to do Keyword research for your blog, then it has more paid tools with good features, but if you are looking for free tools, then you can use KW Finder tool. It has many good features and it is absolutely free.
How to find the keyword for Micro niche blog & Website also for make a free wordpress blog and make money.
Whenever doing keyword research, keep in mind that do not choose the keyword with too much and too low search volume, but choose only the keywords with normal search volume. And use only relevant keywords in your blog. We are telling you some tips below that will help in SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
Submit your blog to Google, Bing and Yahoo search engine.
Always try to add long length content in your Micro niche blog & Website.
Use keywords in the 1st and last paragraphs of your post.
Use the keyword in the alt tag and description of the post image.
Use only h1, h2, h3 or h4 in the post heading.
Create a do-follow back-link for your blog from another site.
Optimize the blog post for your readers. Because when your readers like the post, the search engine will also like it.
Make the loading speed of the site fast.
Use a keyword in your website as per the percentile like 1.5 % times in any post.
For example you have wright a blog in total 1000 word then you calculate the word count
i.e. 1000 X 1.5 / 1000 = 15 times.
Step 5: Writing Post for Micro niche blog & Website: i.e. how to start a food blog and make money ,how to make a tumblr blog ,how to make a profitable blog,

Now you have created your Micro niche blog & Website and have also done basic SEO, so now you should not waste extra time. I am aware that after creating a site, attention goes towards a lot of things, but you have to avoid all these, only then you will be able to make your site successful.
Now you have to fix your target and post regularly in your Micro niche blog & Website. Try to know every single thing about the niche on which your blog is, and do research for it so that you have complete information about it. With this, you will be able to openly tell the complete information to the readers in your post.
If you post daily in your Micro niche blog & Website, it will be great. With this, your visitors will also like and the search engine will also increase the ranking. If you are very busy, then do 3-4 posts every week.
I have seen many people create a Micro niche blog & Website site and write a few posts and say that there is no information about them that I should write. While this is totally wrong. If you feel that you have given all the information related to your niche, then read the feedback or comments of your readers and there will be some questions in it. Write a post about them and clear the entire information. What I mean to say is that answer every small question related to the niche of your blog.
Step 6: Now Monetize for your Micro niche blog & wordpress blog Website.

So far, a lot of money has been spent and a lot of hard work has also been done, so now it is the turn to get its results. When you write 50-60 posts on your blog, then 1000+ traffic will come in it per day. Now take some measures to earn money from Micro niche blog & Website.
There are many ways to earn money from blogs, but to earn money from them, it is very important to have traffic. Advertising is the best way to earn money from it. You can connect your blog to a good advertising network and you can make income by showing its ads on your blog. In recent times Adsense and are the most popular advertising network. More bloggers use adsense only in their blog. Adsense is a service of a very large company Google.
In my case, I am also an adsense user and have been using it for years. I have not even got a chance to complain so I will advise you to choose Adsense only. With this you can earn unlimited.
Apart from this, you can earn well from affiliate marketing. Just like Adsense give you money for ads click but they give us money for per product sell. If you take affiliation from a company and show the banner of its product in the blog, then if a visitor clicks on it and purchases the product through your Micro niche blog & Website then you will get commission.
This way you can earn money through your blog in many ways. You have to make your Micro niche blog & Website successful; its money will run after you.
I hope your happy with my article please comment give any suggestion if you found.
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